advisory services for biomedical scientists

Haystack Science


Advisory services for faculty

Would you like to publish your research in a high-profile journal but you are not sure about its chances of success? Have you told your story in the most persuasive way to survive editorial review? Have you truly addressed the reviewer's comments to satisfy both editors and referees? Should you resubmit the work or simply move on to the next journal?

Or perhaps you have identified a new therapeutic target and want to know what to do next. Is your target sufficiently validated for licensing or to launch a drug-discovery campaign? What would it take to attract the interest of an investor? Where do you actually find investors for your venture? How do you find seed funds for a start-up company? 

If you are looking for answers to these and related questions, you have come to the right place. Haystack Science is in a unique position to help you maximize your chances of finding the best home for your work and/or navigate the dynamic world of science commercialization. Let us put at your service our extensive expertise in evaluating early-stage research at the world’s premier publishing house, Nature, our understanding of the drug-development process from years working in the pharma industry, and our wide network in the academic, investment, biotech, and pharmaceutical communities.

Haystack Science is based in New York City. Get in touch to learn more about us and about our the different ways in which we can help you and your organization.


(917) 543-2129


On April 14th, 2020, we launched our online course “Demystifying the Editorial Process”. You can register at or check the free sample lesson below. Use the code “launch” to get 25% off between now and May 15th, 2020.